
Angular.JS is used for building sophisticated and structured Single page Web application, one page web applications.

Angular uses HTML to define the app’s user interface.

It provides a rich API that helps to organize your JavaScript code and makes it easier for you to develop Single Page Web Application which is based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) application design paradigm.

There are wide array of JavaScript libraries and frameworks which helps you structure your Javascript code. Angular.js is one of the popular framework. In Angular applications, the view is the Document Object Model (DOM), the controllers are JavaScript classes, and the model data is stored in object properties.


10th and 12th class students

Undergraduates, graduates and post graduates

Job aspirants

AngularJS Training Course Outlines

  • Introduction

  • What Is Angular JS

  • Creating Angular JS Project

  • Editing Our First App

  • Understanding The Project Structure

  • Why TypeScript And What IS TypeScript

  • Components, Templates & Databinding Getting Started with Components

  • How an Angular JS App gets started
  • Understading AppModules
  • Using Templates And Styles
  • First Summary
  • Creating New Component
  • About Unique Selector
  • View Encapsulation and styling
  • Inserting Content with ng- content
  • Databinding Overview
  • String interpolation
  • Property Binding
  • Bindingto Custome Prooerties
  • Event Binding
  • Binding to Custom Events
  • Two-Way Binding
  • Directives

  • What Are Directives
  • Attrtibute Directives
  • Buiding a Custom Attribute Directive
  • Element interdiction with Hostlistener & HostBinding
  • Directive Prooerty Binding
  • Deploying to Github Pages with the Angular JS CLI
  • Deploying to Github Pages Manually
  • Angular JS CLI

  • Intro
  • Installation
  • New Project – ng build & ng new and ng init
  • Buiding your project – ng server
  • Understanding the Project structure
  • Lineting your code – ng lint
  • Unit Tests – ng Test
  • Managing Project Content – ng generate & ng destroy
  • Putting it into Production – ng build and ng github-pages
  • Learning More – ng –help and Wrap up
  • Example Project &b Workflow setup
  • Dependencies& Typings
  • Appsetup & Tsconfig
  • Gulp
  • Basic App Code
  • With Live Project

Course Categories

Programming Courses