
NodeJS is an open source framework which has been developed for developers to understand and build web applications with the help of JavaScript.

NodeJS uses an event-driven, non-blocking IO model and server-side JavaScript environment.

NodeJS is mainly focused on several important concepts in it like file system working, streams, buffers and building HTTP server with NodeJS.


10th and 12th class students

Undergraduates, graduates and post graduates

Job aspirants

React Native With NODE js Course Outlines

  • JAVA Script

  • Basic Of JAVA Script
  • JAVA Script In Depth
  • Creating Classes
  • Creating private/public/global funcations
  • Dynamic rendering with javascript
  • Events
  • React

  • Introduction To React
  • Original DOM Vs Virtual DOM
  • React Components
  • Props And State
  • Node

  • Basic Of Node And Installation
  • Introduction To Npm
  • Adding And Removing Modules
  • React With Node

  • Creating an application using Create React App.
  • Life Cycle
  • Debugging
  • Default Values
  • Set State In Depth
  • Creating Forms
  • Creating Tables
  • Handaling Events
  • Appllying Filters
  • JSX In Depth
  • Validation

  • Appllying Style

  • Backend Calls

  • Stateless Components

  • Local Storage

  • Routing

  • Basic Of Node And Installation
  • Basic Routings And Passing Params
  • Hyperlinks
  • Master Pages

  • Reconciliation

  • Creating Reusable Components

  • Composition vs Inheritance

  • Code Reusability and Optimization

  • Fragments

  • Deploying

  • Intergration of 3rd party Modules

  • Google Maps

  • Bootstrap Controls

  • Material UI

  • Toast Messages for notification

  • With Professional Live Project

Course Categories

Programming Courses